
Welcome to jean-nicolas Heillouis workspace. I hope you enjoy the visit !



Over the years, my interest in music, image and computer science has led me to participate in many artistic projects. This site presents the various past and ongoing pieces and projects.

In the past, I played in a group called un automne à lob-nor. I played the drums, we recorded the albums ourselves. Our label was serpentine records in grenoble. We recorded several albums and participated in several international compilations. We made a soundtrack for a super8 film and we toured Europe by the way.

After this project, we created with lens Aleksander (one of the bass and guitar player of un automne à lob-nor) the paneuropean project. Post-rock duo, guitar, bass, drums, percussion, machines and projections. We gave a few concerts and stayed in residence twice at the Tannerie. An Ep is available to listen to.

Actually, Vincent Nicolas from un automne à lob-nor has different projects Bidibop was a electronic one, and DropA a power duo rock project.

Sébatien Roux from un automne à lob-nor is an electronic music composer , you can explore his large production HERE

, enjoy!

After the un automne à lob-nor project, i created a musical research project wich is named SubPlot. It was a short transition project to find my sound and way of composition. Most of the songs of this project are not achieved and only a featuring with elodie C is available, see in the video section for more.

For recent projects, visit the news page! Enjoy !




Currently i am working on my twin materials solo project. This project mixes sampling, electronics, electrical instruments and acoustic sound recordings and aims to create musical atmospheres and travels by working on textures. The objective is to shift the sound source of its aesthetic rendering.

At the same time, i am participating in a group project called Kraft!. This project born from the meeting between Fred Mathieux aka SANYO (voice, guitars), Florian Saffer aka Panda Hurts (analogs) and myself is a musical analog electronica proposal. The first vinyl album should be released this year.



Since the 90's, i have had the opportunity to participate in the creation of several albums, several artistic projects, be present on many compilations, go on tour, rub shoulders with many musicians without whom all this would not exist, thanks to them, perfect the computer-assisted composition and my drumming and bass game, create many images...
You will find the different audio creations here. Good listening !

the road with lili-jo
Twin Materials, a_Nobody's Fault
  • Bandcamp
  • the road with lili-jo
    Twin Materials, the road with lili-jo
  • Bandcamp
  • zona sul
    Twin Materials
    zona sul, 2022
  • Bandcamp
  • rivière-pilote
    Twin Materials
    rivière-pilote, 2021
  • Bandcamp
  • Twin Materials volte novamente
    Twin Materials
    volte novamente, 2020
  • Bandcamp
  • les fourches caudines
    Un automne à lob-nor
    les fourches caudines (v/a arbou052, 2020, arbouse recordings)
  • Bandcamp
  • subplot
    That sound (2012, self production)
  • youtube
  • bye-bye
    Un automne à lob-nor
    ByeBye (2007, carte postale records)
  • Bandcamp
  • 4songs
    4 songs for parallels ( 2005, self production)
    Listen Songs
    Frissons05 (Brise Glace compilation, 2005)
    Listen Songs
    Un automne à lob-nor
    45 seconds of ( 2003, simball records )
  • Bandcamp
  • du-q
    duq ( contains a sample of an un automne à lob-nor track, 2002, le cri de la harpe records)
  • Bandcamp
  • performance
    Un automne à lob-nor
    performance1, a compilation from intercontinental records, 2002
    Listen Songs
    Un automne à lob-nor
    serp008, 2001
  • Bandcamp
  • harcourt
    Un automne à lob-nor
    harcourt compilation, pehr label, 2001
    listen songs
    Un automne à lob-nor
    41°N;90°E, les disques serpentine, 2000
  • Bandcamp
  • hangupsampler2
    Un automne à lob-nor
    hangup sampler, arbouse recording, 2000
  • listen songs
  • esprit3aspicproject#2
    Un automne à lob-nor
    esprit3 aspic project 2, a aspic records compilation, 2000
    Listen Songs
    Un automne à lob-nor
    les disques serpentine, 00A compilation, 2000
    Listen Songs

    Video clips

    Here are videos, created by us or by artists who have asked us for songs to illustrate them. The list is not exhaustive...good discovery !


    Live pictures

    Some images of the life of the different projects, stage moments stolen by or for us, suspended moments ....


    Art pictures

    Somes images composed, stolen, made by myself during my mental travels or around the world, a look...

    air lounge


    For several years, i have been focusing on my home studio musical research activity. I perfect production, texture creation, sound design techniques and the playing of acoustic instruments and sound recording. Below the dates carried out in the past, beautiful moments ...

    Paneuropean tour dates
    02/12/2006 - Tannerie - Bourg-en-Bresse + Broadway(fr) + Projet S.I.(fr)
    12/01/2006 - Le comptoir de la folie ordinaire - Annecy
    16/02/2005 - Le club - brise glace - Annecy + SZ(fr)
    07/04/2004 - Le club - brise glace - Annecy

    Un automne à lob-nor tour dates
    01/12/2001 - L'OEIL - Bertrix(B) + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    29/11/2001 - Le GRAND WAZOO - Amiens + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    28/11/2001 - Centre culturel CROUS –Reims + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    24/11/2001 - La TANNERIE –Bourg-en-Bresse +Rroselicoeur(fr) + collectif ISHTAR(fr)
    23/11/2001 - L'AUSTRASIQUE (Engrenage) - Nancy + Rroselicoeur(fr) + SHANNON WRIGHT(us)
    22/11/2001 - Les INSTANTS CHAVIRES - Montreuil + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    21/11/2001 - KAFE MYSIK - Lyon + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    16/11/2001 - Le RUE'PTURE(Pam) - Nantes + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    15/11/2001 - Le ZOO BIZARRE - Bordeaux + Rroselicoeur(fr) + Löbe radiant dub system(fr)
    27/10/2001 - Le VOX - CHATEAU-RENARD + Rroselicoeur(fr)
    26/10/2001 - Le RESERVOIR (Some produkt) - Périgueux + EXPERIENCE(fr) +Rroselicoeur(fr)
    28/06/2001 - Festival virtuels de l'été - la clé d'voute (les ahuris) - ST Etienne + OPSIE(fr)
    26/05/2001 - Tour dauphine - Ambronay + DOOG(fr)
    14/04/2001 - Le PIMENT ROUGE –Genève
    14/02/2001 - Le KAMIN CLUB –Lyon + SHADE(fr)
    19/01/2001 - Le KAFE MYSIK - Lyon
    04/11/2000 - La cave à musique - Mâcon + MADRID(fr)
    26/10/2000 - Forum FNAC - Lyon part dieu
    30/09/2000 - Les instants chavirés –Montreuil + MARGOT(fr) + DAVID FENECH(fr)
    02/09/2000- BucolicEclecticElectronic –CCO Villeurbanne + ASPIC (fr)+ OLDINE(fr) + Blue Baboon<(fr)
    24/06/2000 - Bucolic eclectic electronic –lyon + THE PUZZLE(fr) + OLDINE(fr) + MM(fr) + SO HAPPY(fr) + DJ's: chewbaka- slush(fr) + kusanagï(fr)
    Sept 2000 - cri de la harpe - Lyon + OLDINE (fr) + ASPIC (fr)
    25/11/1999 - PEZ-NER –Lyon + DO MAKE SAY THINK(Ca) +OLDINE(fr)
    23/04/1999 - Festival serpentine- le Ciel + PANAMERICAN(us)+ FRAGILE(fr) + The Married Monk (fr)

    In residence
    paneuropean -27/28/29/30 décembre 2005 -La Tannerie - Bourg en Bresse
    paneuropean - 24/25/26 juin 2005 - La Tannerie - Bourg en Bresse


    Say Hello.

    The reason for the life of this site is to share emotions, sounds, visuals with you to trigger reactions expected, unexpected, pleasant or not, joyfull, sad, angry ... here you can share them with pleasure in order to make this sharing work ! you can join me on socials , we keep in touch ! bye
